Word Building



Activity: Go through the words given below, download the worksheet given below and do the exercise

1. Commission: a one-time wage paid for a specific service. 
2. Audition: to try out or apply for a certain position, especially in performing arts 

3. Recitation: repeating something aloud from memory. 

4. Incorporate: take in or include as part of a whole.                     

5. Mischievous: intended to cause harm or trouble.. 

6. Appropriate: suitable for a certain use or situation.

7. Intercept: obstruct and prevent from continuing to a destination.. 

8. Upheaval:  a violent or sudden change or disruption. 

9. Taunt: tease, make fun of, etc.

10. Guarantee: a formal assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled.

11. Hoax: an elaborate prank. 

12. Exasperate: to annoy someone. 

13. Atmosphere: gases around a planet; the mood or tone of a place. 

14. Detract: to take away from something’s original meaning. 

15. Occasion: an event. 

16. Appreciate: to value something.  

17. Petulant: impatient, childish. 

18. Pacify: to calm someone or something.

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