5 Myths About Android

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. But with that notoriety comes a lot of myths and misconceptions about Android’s platform, including its security, its complexity, its performance, and the apps and services that are available on the operating system. Whether you’re already familiar with Android or are just starting to learn about it, read on to make sure that you know which common claims about Android are true, and which are just false.


1. Android is too complicated for newcomers

A common misconception about the Android operating system is that it’s too complex for newcomers — either to Android or to the smartphone world as a whole — to learn to use. It’s a myth that’s been around for a long time, and perpetuated by everyone from anonymous online commenters to top tech executives.

But the credibility of the argument falls away when you consider the fact that the majority of smartphone users around the world use Android. Would Android really be the world’s most popular operating system if it were truly counterintuitive for users learning to use it?

2. Your Android phone will inevitably be infected by malware

Malware exists on Android, as on any platform, it’s relatively straightforward to protect yourself against most risks. To start with, always update the software on your phone when you can, and consider upgrading to a new phone each year to make sure that you can use the latest version of the operating system. You should also pay attention to where you’re downloading apps and what permissions they’re asking for. If you only download apps from Google’s Play Store, not third-party app stores, and decline to use apps that ask for more access than you’re comfortable granting, then you’re already well on your way to enhancing the security of your smartphone.

3. Android looks the same on every smartphone

Sure, there are tons of Android phones out there that technically all run the same operating system. But because Android is open source and customisable, Android can look extremely different from one phone to another, especially if you’re comparing older phones with newer ones. Different smartphones run different versions of the Android operating system, based on when they were made and how whether they’ve been updated or not. (So if your last experience with Android was with a low-end phone several years, chances are good that the version you’ll see on a new Android flagship is going to be pretty significantly different.)

4. None of the good apps go to Android first

While some apps certainly do arrive on iOS first, the assertion that none of the apps worth having arrive on Android first is just untrue. There are many developers who prefer to create Android apps, and focus most of their energy on creating great apps for Google’s platform and the huge numbers of users with Android smartphones. Apps by most major companies arrive on both iOS and Android at the same time, and are updated on similar schedules.

5. You have to use Google services to use Android

While Google services, like Google Maps, Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Calendar are all very useful on Android or elsewhere, you don’t have to use them to get the most out of an Android smartphone. One of the great things about Android is that it’s very customisable, so if there are apps and services you prefer to the ones made by Google, you can place their icons in prominent places on your smartphone.

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