My Favourite Teacher


The very word “TEACHER”, conjures up an image of a condescending, pompous being who loves nothing more than to burden their students with homework. Such are the stereotypical views of our modern society. However, a certain someone proved that this statement was wrong—— Barkha Miss (this is what we call her by at school).

Condescension is the last thing one would expect from her. Let alone punishing someone, I never heard a cross word from her mouth. She always seemed to have her optimistic spirit energized and without lethargy. But, enough of her characteristics, for there is no end to praising them. I close my eyes and I can picture her didactic words, never failing to provide me with aspiration, never hesitating to say that she believes in me. She was the one who mentally equipped and prepared me and everyone else for the nationwide renowned spelling bee competition.

In the extra classes that we had after school, never have I ever seen more dedication and devotion with which she endeavored to prepare countless practice materials for us. Never giving a moment’s thought as to what the consequences might be if we did not make it to the next round, she continued inspiring us to do our best. And thus, we always looked forward to her classes. Out of countless memories which are irreplaceable, some do shine brighter than the others. These include even the minute details of the various games we played in her class to her mimicked version of “Talking Tom’s” “no no no”.

Every teacher teaches us something in their classes. But, Barkha miss was the first teacher to teach me the value of patience and showed me that by remaining focused on my goals, I could succeed. Also, she did not do this as a teacher, but acted more like my friend while doing so. ”Never give up on anything” was her motto and it soon became mine too.

These memories are truly magical, and ones I never want to forget. Her gentle, warm, carefree and loving heart has enlightened the minds of every student she ever had, including me and this is why, I welcome her to be tribute for being my favorite teacher.

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