
The Diary of a Young Girl

First published in 1947 by Contact Publishing in Amsterdam, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl received wide appreciation and critical attention. One...

Reading in the Season of the Fogs

With the leisure advent of the last month of the year ensues the unhurried but inevitable broaching of winter. The not too frigid winter...

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy take us to a magical, adventurous tour all around the supernatural land of Narnia in C.S. Lewis’s renowned book...

আলোর কাছে যাই

পুতুলের পা হাঠাৎ নড়ে ওঠে। মুষ্ঠিবদ্ধ হাত ধীরে ধীরে খুলতে থাকে। কাঁপতে থাকে ঠোঁট। চোখের পাতা খুলে যায়। চোখের পাতায় পলক পড়ে। চুলগুলো উড়তে...

Just Ask Jeeves!

Remembering things is so hard… 'Jeeves,' I recollect saying, on returning to the apartment, 'who was the fellow who on looking at something felt like...

