IN, ON and AT in expressions of time










 Tuesday morning

 noon yesterday

 the winter

 Tuesday afternoon

 noon tomorrow

 the spring

 Tuesday evening


 the summer

 Tuesday night

 two o’clock

 the fall



 the morning



 the afternoon


 the same time

 the evening


 the weekend

 the past



 the future




  • at for a precise time
  • in for months, years, centuries, long periods
  • on for days and dates

**On is frequently omitted before the expressions Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon, etc.

  • I saw her on Xmas day.
  • He started work on Monday.

**In some varieties of English people say on the weekend and on Christmas.

  • She often goes out at night.
  • I have a meeting at 10am.
  • I don't usually work at the weekend.
  • I stay with my family at Christmas.
  • We finished the test at the same time.

রিপ্লাই লিখুন:

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন!
অনুগ্রহ করে এখানে আপনার নাম লিখুন