President Barak Obama joins facebook


The US president has joined the world's largest social media platform with a call to action on climate change. The move follows a UN statement that emissions have hit an 800,000-year high.

US President Barack Obama announced Monday his entry to social media platform Facebook .

The US president's Facebook page garnered more than 300,000 likes within a couple of hours of being announced.

Obama took the moment as an opportunity to discuss the need to combat climate change in a video showing him stroll through the White House's grounds.

World leaders will gather in Paris at the end of November to hash out a much-needed deal to significantly reduce emissions globally and tackle the effects of climate change.

The World Bank on Sunday said that without a deal to curb the impact of global warming, millions more people will likely be pushed into extreme poverty.

The report comes as the UN World Meteorological Organisation said on Monday that carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions are at their highest in at least 800,000 years.

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