For every child, self-confident is a powerful predictor of success. Social or emotional problems are not the cause but rather the consequence of academic frustration and failure. Not every child have problems with social competence and self-esteem, but many do. Daily struggles with the challenges posed by a learning disability can erode the enthusiasm and confidence that make learning, at all ages. Self-confident is how one perceives oneself. The child looks in the mirror and likes the person he sees. He looks inside himself and is comfortable with the person he sees. He must think of this self as being someone who can make things happen and who is worthy of love. Parents are the main source of a child’s sense of self-worth.

To make your child self-confident, you have to choose the proper lifestyle, it's important to own that lifestyle, it's not something like following some rules for certain days. Here are some issues you can look at:

1) Unpressurised Discussion: Make some unpressurised time to talk with them. Most of the time we tend to talk to children rather than talk with them. ; giving instructions like 'Clean your teeth' or 'Pick your toys up'. This type of communication is very different from talking with. To talk with implies you are actively making room or time to listen to their side of the conversation.


2) Open Ended Questions: Another simple way to build self-confident is to ask open-ended questions. These require more of a response than a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Try asking 'why' or 'how' to elicit extended answers.

3) Avoid doing the talking for a child. Sometimes as adults it's easy to assume spokesperson status habitually. The child learns that you'll do all the talking for them and they don't have to try. They also learn you'll do it better than they can anyway. In doing the talking, for them, you rob them of practice. Give it back to them. Even though you may have to wait for them to find the right words at times, know you're helping!

4) Avoid teaching a baby language: Why to complicate learning to speak with giving a child a sub-language to learn which in future will be of no use to him. Support their growth by teaching the right words from the start. By this, I don't mean pedantically correct language but definitely giving them a vocabulary appropriate for their age

5) Read stories and sing songs: When they're very small start with stories built around repeating phrases and rhymes. If you read the same story frequently enough, your child will begin 'reading' it along with you. Get your child singing along too.



6) Model good listening and speech: A child learns from those closest to them. If you don't listen or speak well, it becomes more difficult for the child to develop the confidence to do so.

7) Encourage 'talking time' at the dinner table: Make sure each child has a turn, is listened to, and not interrupted. If need be put a time limit in place for the one who goes on and on! When they're finished, paraphrase what you heard and respond.


Finally, self-confident depends on lifestyle. It's important to practice it throughout and be self-confident too. Because it's the parents who influence most in a Child character.

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