The Largest Man-Made Pond


Ram Sagar is the largest man-made pond of Bangladesh situated in Tejpur, eight kilometers south of the Dinajpur town. The pond was named after Raja Ram Nath who exhumed it. The pond was unearthed to supply drinking water to the general population living in the encompassing towns. It is said that there was a consistent dry spell and starvation in this a portion of the nation from 1750 to 1755 AD. Maybe Ram Nath started to burrow the tank on the premise of “nourishment for work” and survive the starvation-stricken individuals. Around 1.5 million workers worked for burrowing the Ram Sagar and the aggregate cost measured is around 30,000 Taka.

The water range of Ram Sagar measures 1079 metres along north-south and 192.6 metres along east-west. The rough profundity of the tank is 9.5 meter. There was a “Ghat” on the center of the western bank and the remaining parts of despite everything it exists. Made of sandstone pieces of distinctive sizes, the structure measured around 45.8 metre by 18.3 metre. The pond is encompassed by 10.75 metre high dikes.

Ram Sagar is currently a renowned traveler spot under the consideration of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation. Parjatan Corporation has taken some drive for the beautification of the zone. An enchanting park has been established around the pond, most of its trees are natural and some have been planted later. Forest Department of Bangladesh has planted diverse kind of decorative and natural product trees that have thrived and gotten to be forested territories. Around the Ram Sagar, it is a natural excursion place for sightseers. A rest house has been developed on the western side of the pond and some little entertainment spots have been made for the kids on the four sides of the gigantic water body. 

The pond is populated by an assortment of fish, and also freshwater crocodiles while creatures that guests are liable to see ashore incorporate Sambar Deer, Chital Deer, Wild Boar, Sloth Bear and Hyena. Birding aficionados can pay special mind to inhabitant White-Breasted Water Hen, Jacanas, Moorhen, River Tern, Sand Piper, Ringed Plover and Gray and Purple Herons. In addition, the pond is a stop-over for multitudinous transitory waterfowl, making for a terrific sight amid movement season.

To go to Ram Sagar, at first, you need to go to Dinajpur. You can go there by train or bus. Then you can take an auto-rickshaw from Dinajpur town that will take you at the Ram Sagar. It will be a 30-40 minutes ride. On the other hand, you can take a van if you wish to appreciate the surroundings amid your ride.

With the idea of Eco-tourism picking up in fame everywhere throughout the world, the Forest Department of Bangladesh is considering some of the nation's national parks for adding to this idea, and the Ram Sagar National Park is on that rundown. Eco-tourism permits guests, both neighborhood and worldwide, to appreciate the regular excellence of the nation, gives nearby groups a maintainable pay, brings issues to light of the difficulties of advancement versus preservation, and searches for approaches to guarantee that future eras will likewise have the chance of getting a charge out of the magnificence of Bangladesh.

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