The Possessive Case


The possessive case indicates possession.

Read the sentence given below.

This is John’s car.

Here the noun John’s is in the possessive case. A noun which shows ownership or possession is said to be in the possessive case.

How the possessive case is formed

When the noun is singular, we make the possessive form by adding ’s to the noun.

John’s father

Mary’s goat

Susan’s car

Shyam’s daughter

When the noun is plural and does not end in -s, the possessive case is formed by adding ’s to the noun.

Men’s hostel

The People’s Republic

Women’s liberation



When the plural noun ends in –s, we simply add an apostrophe (’) without –s to form the possessive.

A boys’ school

Girls’ hostel

Students’ contribution

Parents’ rights

Singular nouns ending in –s may form the possessive by adding an apostrophe (’) with or without –s.

Thomas’s house OR Thomas’ house

Yeats’s poems OR Yeats’ poems

In compound nouns, ’s is added to the last word.

My sister-in-law’s daughter



The letter –s is omitted and only the apostrophe (’) is added when too many hissing sounds occur in a word.

For conscience’ sake

For goodness’ sake

For Jesus’ sake

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