WATCH: DIY No-Sew Favor Bags

Light-weight fabric
Cording for drawstrings
Fabric Glue
Tacky Glue

Sharp fabric scissors

Pick a light-weight fabric for your bags and cut it into pieces measuring approximately 16" x 6". Note that you can make these bags as large or as small as you'd like!
Fold your fabric in half and iron the fold flat — this will create the bottom edge of your bag. Then fold each short end over 1" and iron those folds flat — this will create the channels for your drawstrings.
Cut two 12" pieces of cording for your drawstrings. Open up one of the ironed folds and lay one piece of cording over the fold. Run a thin bead of fabric glue along the very edge of the flap, using a ruler if you'd like to help control the mess, and then fold the flap shut. Gently run your finger along the glued seam to remove any excess glue. Repeat this step with the second ironed fold. This seals shut the two channels for your drawstrings.
Run a thin bead of glue along the long edges of the bag, again using a ruler if you'd like to help control the mess. Fold the two halves of the bag together, gently running your finger along the glued seams to remove any excess glue. This seals shut the two sides of the favor bag. Allow the glue to dry for two hours.
Once the glue is dry, tie the drawstrings together on both sides of the bag.
To create a monogram on the front of the bag, begin by inserting a piece of waxed paper into the favor bag — this will prevent you from inadvertently gluing the two halves together. Draw or trace a monogram lightly onto one side of the bag. Trace over your lines with a thin bead of tacky glue. Cut a piece of cording and press over the glue lines. Allow to dry completely before filling the bags with goodies!

Helpful Tips:
Get creative with your fabric and cording choice! I used linen and polyester cording from the hardware store.
In addition to creating monograms on the face of the bags consider creating simple decorative elements like stripes or curlicues.
When creating the fine glue lines for your monograms, it's often helpful to transfer your glue from its regular squeeze bottle into one with a fine dispensing tip!

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