Ways to Prevent Obesity in Children


If your children love to eat junk food more than anything else, there is a high chance that they might be suffering from obesity now or maybe in the future. Obesity is a serious problem that can lead to fatalities such as coronary artery blockage, diabetes, and other health problems that can eventually lead to a heart attack. Here is a list of simple ways that can help you prevent obesity in your children.

1. Eating Habits

The easiest way to prevent your children from obesity is to control their food habit. People develop good and bad habits from early on and this can determine their way of life. A healthier lifestyle should be encouraged from childhood to help your children adapt to a healthy disease-free life in future.

2. Lay down ground rules

It is not unimaginable that your children should throw tantrums about eating certain food items that are bad for health. However, it is up to you to be able to curb such habits and tantrums. Limit the intake of foods with sugar in them such as candy bars, cola drinks, and similar items. Your children will gradually develop the habit of living without them.

3. Eating Healthy

It is possible that while looking after your children’s health, you can think of yourself too. Try to ensure a healthy diet at home and provide nutritious food for the whole family. You can make delicious dishes for your children’s meals and lunches for school with nutritious vegetables and lean meat that are rich in vitamins, iron, and protein.

4. Staying Active

Make a habit of encouraging your children to engage in outdoor activities. Allow them to go for bicycle rides with their friends, take them on walks and ask them to jump ropes while playing. These are the sort of exercises that are not only effective but are also fun.

5. Reduce their indoor time

It is important that your children should spend a certain good amount of time studying, relaxing indoors and maybe even pleasure-reading. But too much time spent in the house can make your children lazy. Especially with the emergence of newer technologies like video games, etc, your children are more likely to stay in than out. Discourage any such activity to prevent obesity from inactivity.

6. Reduce Stress

Make sure to maintain a healthy environment at home. It has been seen that going through stressful situations can make children anxious. This can lead to the development of “stress-eating” and lead your children to obesity. Trying to keep a harmonious environment at home can successfully prevent that.

7. Routine Checkups

It is strongly recommended that you take your children to monthly routine checkups to the doctor. This will help monitor your children’s health and reduce the risk of any diseases that they might run the risk of developing. Check their sugar levels and do blood tests regularly and prevent them from contracting any illnesses.

8. Avoid power struggles over food

Much like developing the habit of eating healthy, it is also important that you put your foot down about certain behaviour of your children from early on. Make sure that they understand that it is essential for them to eat healthy and there can be no bending the rules when it comes to that.

9. Understand your children’s body structure

One of the most crucial points is to understand your children’s body type. Some children are broader by nature and it is the type of structure they retain throughout their life. It is very important that in this case, you do not try to force your children to lose weight, as that might backfire and cause them to eat more from stress.

10. Join your children in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

It is important to remember that your children get most of their habits from looking at you. So, it is encouraged that you join them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle of your own and only then will your children be effectively healthy.

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