Why Classroom Rules?


The idea of forming classroom rules is not new. Nearly all teachers acknowledge that rules and regulations assists in providing the structure required for a classroom to operate smoothly and reinforce opportunities for learning. Effective rules are also convenient in helping to avert behaviour complications in students before they materialise.

Following are some fundamental instructions that should be communicated to the students in a class, preferably on the first day:

  • Bring all required materials to class
  • Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings
  • Respect and be polite to everyone
  • Respect other people’s property
  • Complete all assignments on time
  • Keep the classroom neat and tidy
  • Obey all school rules

Regardless of how these approaches are integrated, classroom rules must be clear and concise so that students can understand them and remember them. Moreover, rules  must be rational and practicable, so that students accept them and the rules must be consistently taught to students in a way that will help them learn and remember how to abide by them and understand why they are so essential.

There are general procedures that a teacher needs to follow in a class; such as using an attendance sheet to keep record of absentees, penalising students for not submitting due works, give reminders of upcoming submissions or exams. 

The teacher also needs to communicate procedures to students such as:

  • ‘no’ talking during class hours,
  • raising hands for asking questions without interrupting the class or lecture,
  • useful guidance regarding participation and taking notes in class.


During students’ group assignments the teacher should help in forming well balanced groups, outline objectives and participation roles and create an environment best suited for cooperative learning.

Teachers often presume that students know what they know and what they would like them to do. Do not make such presumptions; always be more inclined towards helping the student learn the rules and procedures rather than penalising them for disrupting it.

Happy Teaching!!

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