Brake VS Break


Brake VS Break

The words break and brake sound identical, but their meanings are quite different.


The word brake has several meanings:

a) A device for slowing a moving vehicle (typically by adding friction to the wheels).
    – You do know that the brake is the pedal in the middle, don't you?

    – Please apply the handbrake.

    (In this meaning, brake is a noun. Of course, there is also the associated verb)

b) a thing that stops something or makes it difficult

    – Yes, very clever. It's time to brake now. Errr, now!

      – High interest rates are a brake on the economy. (In this meaning, brake is a noun)



The word break has many meanings:

a) To separate into pieces (as a result of a block, shock, or pressure).
    – Shatterproof ruler? I managed to break it before I'd left the shop!

  It can also be used figuratively:
   – That would break my heart.

   – Adversity causes some men to break — others to break records.(William Arthur Ward)

( In this meaning, break is a verb. It is like to crackto smash, or to shatter.)
There is also the associated noun:

  – I can see the break on the x-ray.

(This is like the meaning below, i.e., an interruption of continuity.)

b) A period of rest or an interruption of continuity.

   – I need to take a break. (a period of rest)

   – There is a break in the pattern. (an interruption of continuity)

( In this meaning, break is a noun. It is like intervalpause, or gap.)

c) To infringe or disobey.

   – Please do not break my trust in you.

   – It is much easier to break the rules when one's surrounded by strangers. One does not know any of them, so one cannot really care for their opinion. (Monica Fairview)

   – Men keep agreements when it is to the advantage of neither to break them. (Solon, 638 BC-559 BC)

    ( In this meaning, break is a verb.)


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