Caffeine 101


Today it is hard to find an adult who does not crave for a drink with caffeine!! We are talking about a chemical compound found in the oldest recreational drink in the history of mankind. We get caffeine from many sources like-

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soft drinks
  • Energy drinks
  • Chocolates
  • Caffeine tablets

Caffeine has a similar history like chocolate. As we know that chocolates were considered to be harmful for decades. Now researchers have proved that chocolates are healthy for humans. So is caffeine. However, like everything else it also has both good and bad effects.

We get caffeine mostly through coffee and tea. Here, we are not debating about tea vs coffee, but the point to be noted that the caffeine content of coffee is almost 3 times more than tea. But whatever you choose as your caffeinated drink, it always brings positive effects to your health if taken the ideal amount and taken without added ingredients (extra sugar, cream etc)

The positive effects of caffeine include:

  • Increases memory
  • Detoxifies liver from a number of toxic compounds
  • Keeps you alert during periods of sleep restriction and decreases fatigue
  • Can stimulate hair growth
  • Relieves post workout muscle pain up to 48%
  • Increases stamina during exercise
  • Reduces the risk of developing the following disease conditions-
  1. Eyelid spasm
  2. Cataract
  3. Skin cancer
  4. Non-alcohol related fatty liver disease
  5. Erectile dysfunction
  6. Ringing in the ears in women
  7. Kidney stone
  8. Gall stone
  9. Alzheimer’s disease
  10. Oral cancer
  11. Parkinson’s Disease
  • People who consume caffeine have a lower risk of committing suicide
  • Caffeine improves reaction time and logical reasoning
  • Caffeine helps in improving symptoms of asthma, relieves migraine headache, hangover
  • Coffee contains anti-oxidants that protect against cardiovascular diseases


The ideal amount of caffeine intake in an average adult without adverse effect is 300-400 mg per day, which is equivalent to 5 cups (1 cup=125 ml) of coffee. During pregnancy, it should be lessened to 200 mg per day. But one should not only measure the caffeine intake through tea and coffee only, they should keep in mind about other sources too.




So what are the cons of having increased caffeine?

  • Raises blood pressure, so better to avoid by hypertensive patients
  • May cause:
  1. Insomnia
  2. Indigestion
  3. Allergy due to coffee
  4. Incontinence in woman
  5. Gout attacks
  6. Negative effects of anxiety disorder
  • May worsen the symptoms of menopause
  • Increased coffee means increased sugar intake
  • Increases urination rate

In the end, we can conclude that caffeine is good for a healthy lifestyle when taken in moderate amount. When it is taken by means of tea and coffee, one gets the extra health benefits of those too. So, drink caffeine, know how much you are drinking and stay refreshed.

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