Coolest Gadgets and Toys of 2015


The world renowned Consumer Electronics Show (CES) showcases techno inventions at the beginning of every year. The show is held at Las Vegas where manufacturers from all over the world gather to display their newest technology. This year the CES revealed some of the coolest gadget and toys, which might make you want to start saving from now!

L.Y.N.X Mobile Hybrid Controller

Mad Katz is well known for its video-game products and this year it came up with the new L.Y.N.X Mobile Hybrid controller. This amazing video game controller can be adjusted as well as disassembled and restructured to function with any video gaming device, be it smart phones, tablets or computers. The game pad also has grip extenders that can be used to suit the comfort of the player and a keyboard, which is a custom fit. The best part is, this device can be folded up to pocket size and has got a battery life of up to thirty hours. This is the ultimate device that will not disappoint you in tiring long journeys or in never ending traffic in Dhaka city. And this nifty gadget will cost you exactly about $300.


Ozobot is a smart little toy designed to teach children the basics of computer programming. The Ozobot, is run by ‘Ozocodes’, which the users have to put in colour-coded line patterns. The patterns are provided free by the company’s website. The colourful coding system in Ozobot is children friendly. Once the young users learn to master it, they will be able to advance to next levels. The company also provides free apps that advanced young users can use to build their own games or dance moves for their Ozobots. Ozobot could be called the smartest and most fun toy in the market now that aims to help children nurture their imagination and unveil their creativity. Ozobot is currently available at $50 USD only!


Meccanoid G15 KS Robot

Meccanoid G15 KS is a personal robot that can be customised into the shape of a human or dinosaur. It robot can stand up to four feet tall and can be taught to mimic sounds and movements. This robot can be instructed in two ways – either by pressing a button on its chest and moving its arms and legs whilst speaking or by giving it command program via Bluetooth using a mobile app. The robot can recognise 100 phrases, has a collection of jokes and trivia and can also play games. The robot costs about $400 USD.



Bionic Bird

This techno-logic bird can fly like any other bird. This bird has an elastic foam body and strong flexible wings and can withstand knocks or crashes up to a surprising level. The manufacturers have claimed that the Bionic bird does not scare real birds, rather attracts them!

The bird can be controlled by smart phones and is rechargeable with a magnetic charger that resembles an egg. The Bionic Bird is currently available only at France at the cost of $139 USD.

XYZ 3D Food Printer

Taiwan based XYZ printing company has come up with the latest food printers that consumers can have for everyday use. The gadget can currently print cookies and decorative icing on cakes and other confectioneries only. The manufacturers are claiming the next version will be able to print out pizzas. A slight limitation of this food printer is it can produce only one cookie at a time and the food still needs to be baked again before consuming. The manufacturers are currently charging $2000 USD for this food-making machine.

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