Getting Off To A Good Start


The beginning of the year is just the perfect time to plan all that is required to get the class off to a good start. As a teacher, there are certain things that you could do that will ensure that the class is quite interesting and easy-going for all its students.

Get done with administrative tasks such as check books out to students, record book numbers, ask them to cover their books, ask them to bring separate folders for separate subjects and organise the seating arrangements. Course requirements and information related to study materials should be handed to the students during the first week.

On the first day of the class as a teacher, you should establish certain rules and classroom etiquettes such as:

  • Assigning a particular name for the classroom.
  • Doing a fun activity that also gives them an idea about the course.
  • Establishing an end of class routine i.e. assigning homework, reviewing class work briefly, etc.
  • Discussion of class rules should be done on the first day. Explain to students clearly what behaviours are acceptable and what are unacceptable in class.

Not that you have to do it all on the first day, but with time you should also:

  • Make sure the students have a clear concept of the course objective and resolve any uncertainty they have.
  • Plan simple study contents at the beginning in order to let the students get a grip; teach complex topics later.
  • It is best to avoid any sort of pre-tests, projects or group works on the first few days.
  • Be available, visible and in charge. Praise and appreciate the students enough to keep them motivated.
  • It is important to be Authoritative (setting rights to standards for behaviour and performance and allowing students independence to maturity) and not Authoritarian (controlling students through threats and punishment).
  • Frequent eye contacts and smiles will allow the student to warm up to you and thus allow a more comfortable environment for learning.

Slowly, with time, you can add up more materials to the contents while regularly reminding and practising the rules and regulations.  You should actively monitor student performance in class and give them proper feedback. Certain assessment measures will make it easy for you to monitor your students’ level of understanding and interaction.

Happy Teaching!!

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