Madhupur National Park


Bangladesh is not enriched with enormous natural assets, but still nature has blessed her in a bountiful manner. Madhupur National Park is one of the most beautiful place in Bangladesh. It is situated in the district Tangail, 151 km north from the madding crowd of Dhaka city. The park is in the northern part of Bhawal-Madhupur Shal forest tracts, 50 km south of the Garo hills of Meghalaya state of India.

The whole place is sprawled over 8500 hectares of land with endless natural assets and wild life, is one of the last remaining patches of old-growth Sal forest left in the country.

The best time to visit Madhupur National Park is from October to April when it reveals its hidden beauties which will make you and your children praise the creations of the creator. To go to Madhupur National Park, you have to take the newly built highway with several bypasses. At Elenga, Tangail, you need to turn right to go to the park. There are three rest houses near the park, and none of them will cost you more than 1000-1200 taka per night per person.

There are three rest houses and youth hostel providing overnight accommodation. Seven picnic spots have been provided by the Forest Directorate.

Madhupur National Park was once famous for tigers, but that was the time when people used to think that tigers are better in the forests than being hung in walls. And it has been a long time since the last tiger was wiped out. The forest was used and abused for a long time by the local people, but thanks to the government that now, it is now under protection. If you can go a little deep into the forest, you will be able to see a lot of wild animals in their natural habitat.

One excellent day walk is the roundtrip from the forest resthouse to the ‘zoo’ halfway along the Raslpur-Chandar road in the hamlet of Laharina. Don’t be put off by the word zoo, as it’s more a feeding station for wild animals. The most frequent visitors are the spotted deer and rhesus macaque (who are near enough guaranteed to be hanging around). All up it’s a 10km roundtrip walk for which you’ll need a guide – ask at the Forest Resthouse.

The forest contains numerous animals and birds. Your children will be really happy to see the Spotted Deer running and jumping. If you are a bird-watcher, then it’s the perfect place for you. In this galaxy of birds, your children will be most interested in spotting the Dusky Owls. In addition to its abundant wildlife, the place is also a home to the people of Mandi tribe. Your children will be happy to see their lifestyle and culture.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bag and explore! And don’t forget to take a first aid box with you as there will be endless place for your children to run and play and in case they get hurt, the first aid box will help you.

Adventure: Picnic spot, Jungle safari, Fishing, Boating, Horse riding.


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