Mysteries of Area 51


Nevada, United states,150 kilometers north from Las Vegas, a large area in Mojave dessert is still shrouded with mystery. North to the dried up Groom Lake, this place has given birth to numerous fictional stories, movies, and rumours. This place goes by the name ‘Area 51’.

It’s around 26000 sq.kilometers and has security protocol just as the white house. The whole area is surrounded with warning boards which say- ‘Use of deathly force authorised’.
Previously trespassers were shot without any permission but nowadays this law
has become a bit less strict. To this day, no civilian has entered this mysterious place. However there is no visible wall or fence around the place, but there are plenty of warning boards for wanderers. Area 51 is surrounded with CC Camera, Motion Detector and Laser Detector, Sound Detector and even Smell Detector and another state of the art protection system.

Radars are placed to monitor the sky. They can tell the presence of any human or any other animal by assessing scents. If anyone thinks of trespassing they will be caught by these sensors and they will face the security force soon. This security force is special security force whose only job is to protect the secrecy of Area 51. If someone somehow manages to enter Area 51 bypassing all security measures, they will still struggle to survive due to the harsh condition of the dessert. So Area 51 is protected both technologically and naturally.

Official statements state that Area 51 is being used for military drill and the newer generation of aircraft testing. But reality states otherwise, why so much secrecy for such a cause? The mystery of Area 51 only thickens by time. 

Area 51 is known as an area of conspiracy worldwide. Previously, no images of the area were accessible but things changed during the cold war when Russia used their satellites to take some pictures of the place. These are easily found on the internet. Natives around Area 51 have spread the rumour of UFO or Unidentified Flying Object. In reality what they have seen were the advanced aircrafts which were being tested in Area 51. They are not just advance, they are cutting edge technology.

Area 51 has seven runways, has lots of advanced aircrafts. It has aircrafts of such types that no one has even imagined of. Employees of the area have some Boeing-737 for their transportation.

Some movies and TV series made on Area 51 are:

1.   Independence Day (1996)

2.   Hangar 18(1980)

3.   Seven Days (1998-2001)

4.   Area 51 video game  (2005)


In the blockbuster movie Independence day (1996), we see that aliens attack Area 51 and by the end of this movie we see that alien spaceships are destroyed by modern missiles. American ‘Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recognised the existence of Area 51 in 2013 and stated that it was kept so confidential only for secret military testings. Maybe it’s the reality. But When the F117 aircraft was shown to the public, people became amazed by seeing how advanced it was. People were furthermore amazed to hear that this aircraft was invented 22 years ago, inside Area 51.

We might be amazed someday by a UFO from another planet flying in the sky, but it might be just another advanced aircraft made inside the mysterious Area 51.


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