Number Idioms

  1. all-in-one

Meaning – combined, all the necessary features of something in one unit

Example: Many DVD players have a recording and playing function all-in-one.


  1. all in one breath

Meaning – spoken rapidly while one is very excited

Example: I told my friend about the accident all in one breath.


  1. all in one piece

Meaning – safely, without damage

Example: The piano arrived at its destination all in one piece.


  1. all rolled up in one

Meaning – combined in one person or thing

Example: The man is president and vice-president all rolled up in one.


  1. as busy as a one-armed paperhanger

Meaning – very busy

Example: I was as busy as a one-armed paperhanger during the last two weeks.


  1. as one

Meaning – as if a group were one person

Example: The crowd stood as one and began to cheer during the game.


  1. as phony as a three-dollar bill

Meaning – phony, not genuine

Example: The woman's excuses are as phony as a three-dollar bill and I do not believe any of them.



  1. at first

Meaning – initially, at the beginning

Example: At first we had no plans for the weekend but later we decided to go to a movie.


  1. at one time

Meaning – at a time in the past

Example: At one time the man had no money but now he is very rich.


  1.  at one with (someone)

Meaning – to share the same view as others, to be in agreement with others

Example: The members of the committee are at one with me over my decision to cancel the meeting.


  1.  at sixes and sevens

Meaning – in a state of confusion

Example: The workers were at sixes and sevens after the company announced that it was going out of business.


  1.  at the eleventh hour

Meaning – at the last possible moment

Example: At the eleventh hour the city and the garbage collectors settled their contract dispute.


  1.  back to square one

Meaning – back to where one started

Example: We were forced to go back to square one in our efforts to change the name of the company.


  1.  bat a thousand

Meaning – to be extremely successful at something

Example: Recently, I have been batting a thousand in my attempts to sell the new product.


  1.  by the dozen

Meaning – twelve at a time, in a group of twelve

Example: The children were eating the donuts by the dozen.


  1.  by the dozens

Meaning – many, by a large number

Example: The fans came by the dozens to see the famous athlete.


  1.  cast the first stone

Meaning – to be the first to criticize or attack someone

Example: I told my friend that he should be careful not to cast the first stone in an argument.


  1.  catch-22

Meaning – a situation in which whatever decision is made the outcome will have negative consequences, a basically no-win situation

Example: It is a catch-22 situation. If I go to work there will be problems but if I do not go to work there will also be problems.


  1. catch forty winks

Meaning – to take a nap, to get some sleep

Example: I drove all night until I was very tired so I stopped to catch forty winks.




  1.  cut both ways

Meaning – to be capable of having two opposite effects, to produce advantages and disadvantages

Example: The decision by the company cut both ways. Some people were happy and some people were not happy.



  1.  cut two ways

Meaning – to be capable of having two opposite effects, to produce advantages and disadvantages

Example: My decision to complain to our boss could cut two ways. He could be happy or angry with me.


  1.  deep-six (someone or something)

Meaning – to get rid of or dispose of someone or something

Example: I decided to deep-six some of the old comics that I had collected.


  1.  a dime a dozen

Meaning – cheap and common, lots of something

Example: Used paperback books are a dime a dozen at the used bookstore.


  1.  divide (something) fifty-fifty

Meaning – to divide something into two equal parts

Example: We decided to divide the money that we earned fifty-fifty.


  1.  do a number on (someone or something)

Meaning – to damage or harm someone or something

Example: The young man did a number on the car that he borrowed from his uncle.



  1.  do (someone) one better

Meaning – to do something superior to what someone else has done

Example: I decided to do my friend one better and volunteer for three weeks rather than two weeks.


  1.  dressed to the nines

Meaning – to be dressed in one's best clothes

Example: The woman at the concert was dressed to the nines.



  1.  eleventh-hour decision

Meaning – a decision that is made at the last possible minute

Example: The sport's federation made an eleventh-hour decision to suspend the star player.


  1.  every once in a while

Meaning – occasionally, infrequently

Example: Every once in a while I play tennis with my friend.


  1.  feel like a million bucks

Meaning – to feel great, to feel well and healthy

Example: My friend looked like a million bucks when I saw him. 

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