Obeying Our Parents



It was just another Sunday. After breakfast, I decided to have some fun with my new Rollerblades. They were given to me by my uncle on my eleventh birthday. I was not very good at the sport, but I really wanted to try them. I guess that is why I disobeyed my parents that day. If I had only listened to their advice, I would not be what am I today. My parents would only allow me to play with my Rollerblades on the driveway of my house and they had told me often enough not to use them on the road. But I was so confident that morning that I forgot their warning.

I was enjoying myself for about some time until I saw a car speeding down the road towards me. I wanted to move to the side of the road, but somehow I lost my balance. I hurt my knee and although I tried to get up I could not. Before I knew what was happening, the car hit me and I was thrown ten meters away. Then I lost consciousness and the next thing I knew was I was in a hospital.

It took me a while to realise that I could not move my right leg. I looked down at my leg, but it was not there. What I saw was a bandage on the knee and there was nothing else below it. I screamed and shouted for perhaps a minute. It took the doctor and two nurses to hold me down. Then they gave me an injection and put me to sleep. When I woke up the next morning the first person that I saw was my mother. She had obviously stayed at my side the whole night and she looked old and worried. She held my hand and told me that I had lost my right leg in the accident. I was too shocked to cry.

For a long time after that I was filled with self-pity. I kept on asking myself why, if had to happen to me. When the doctor encouraged me to walk with crutches, I yelled at him. I made everybody, including my family very miserable. It was not easy to face life with only one leg.

I am thankful now that my family was there when I needed them most. Despite my rude behaviour, they stood by me and encouraged me to use the crutches. Now, I am learning how to walk with it artificial leg. All I want to do now is to tell other young people that sometimes their parents know best. So obey your parents to avoid the mistake that I did.

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