Phonetics is the branch of linguistics that examines sounds in a language. Phonetics describes this sound. It can be helpful for studying a language, especially languages that use letters that are silent or have multiple pronunciations. Languages like Arabic and Spanish are consistent in their spelling and pronunciation – each letter represents a single sound which rarely varies. English is different. It has many letters with two or more sounds and many letters that are silent.
- Begins with a whole word and analyses it.
- Notice the first letter in the word.
- Students are taught to compare a sound pattern within the words.
- Taught along with the whole word method.
- Includes Analogy Phonics by teaching onset – rime or word families.
- Blending words is not taught.
- Phonics taught in context of reading stories or when a problem arises; used when students have difficulty reading a particular word.
- Notice the first letter in the word.
- Taught along with the whole word method.
- Not systematic; not all phonics elements are taught – what is needed within the context of reading lesson.
- Incidental learning.
- Some vowel sounds are often left untaught.
- Begins by teaching the code- the sounds of the letter.
- Notice every letter in the word, left to right.
- Learn to blend sounds into words.
- Read decodable stories
- Learn to segment words to spell them.
- Reading & spelling are taught simultaneously.
- Systematic
- No guessing from pictures, initial letter, context or word shape.
** A video tutorial is given below for understanding phonetic symbol