Protect Your Child Against Cold – II


Winter in Bangladesh is short but it is a season of festivities and celebration. However, with winter comes along many health problems especially in children. Today let us focus on some specific health problems children face during winter with their preventive measures:


The most common disease that trigger during winter is asthma. Asthma can cause due to allergy or due to respiratory infections. 90% of the kids having asthma suffer from allergies. The common causes of asthma in the winter are:

  1. Cold
  2. Dust
  3. Fumes and smoke
  4. Polluted air
  5. Animal dander (hair, skin, feathers)
  6. Exercise in cold air
  7. Dust mites and insect feces

These causes are common for all the seasons but as winter is dry, it’s easier for the small particles like dust and animal hair to disperse in air and attack the respiratory path to cause allergic hypersensitivity or infection in kids.

The symptoms of asthma:

  1. Cough
  2. Wheeze / Noisy breathing
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Fast breathing
  5. Chest tightness
  6. Cough with sputum (mucus)


So, look out for these symptoms in your child. To avoid asthma in winter you can take some simple preventive steps:

  1. Try to keep your child inside and avoid outdoor activities as much as you can
  2. Make sure your child uses mask when outdoors
  3. Keep the air filter of the air-conditioner clean.
  4. Keep your carpets, curtains clean as they are the home of dust and dust mites
  5. Check for any leakages in rooms as these might increase the humidity of the room and accelerate the growth of dust mite and cockroaches
  6. Keep your pets clean and outside most of the time. Ban them from entering bedrooms
  7. Keep kitchen and bathroom dry and clean
  8. Keep your child safe from cold air, cold water and cold floor
  9. Make sure to change their sweaty clothes after sports or exercise
  10. Keep your child’s winter clothes clean, dry and dust free
  11. Do not allow your child to have cold drinks or food at any cost
  12. Try to find out what is causing him/her the allergy (food, dust, or cold) and keep them away from it
  13. If your child has been suffering from repeated cough with sputum production and fever consider Pneumococcal vaccination after consulting with your doctor
  14. Some over the counter treatments:
  • If your child (above 5 years) is suffering from uncontrollable allergic reactions then you can go for over the counter anti-histamines like (Fexofenadine, Desloratidine). Go for the lowest dosage available for once a day at first. If condition does not improve, consult with doctor immediately.
  • For nose block, try over the counter nasal decongestants (e.g. xylometazoline) 1 drop in both nostrils.
  •   If your child feels too cold, try 1 teaspoon of honey at bedtime.


Sore or painful throat

Sore throat is a common problem seen in children in winter. There are some natural but very effective remedies to get rid of sore throats:

  • 1 table spoon of honey + 1 tea spoon Lemon juice  + warm water
  • Gurgling with salt and warm water
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Chicken clear soup contains sodium broth that helps recovering from sore throat
  • If the sore throat persists for 7 days, consult with a doctor


Common Cold and Flu

When it comes to common cold and flu it becomes a little tricky. Often parents overlook the possibility of a Flu by thinking it as a common cold and thereby making the scenario of the child more complex. On the other hand sometimes they overreact and gives inappropriate flu medicine to a child with common cold!! So how can we differentiate between this 2:


Traits Common Cold Flu
Fever Rare

Common (102-104 F)

Headache Rare Common
Pain and weakness Slight Often severe
Sore throat Common Rare
Cough Mild to moderate May become severe


Sinus congestion or ear pain Pneumonia, Bronchitis, can be life threatening


So now, let us talk about some preventive measures:

  • To prevent spreading of these disease, ensure washing hands, covering up the nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing, use disinfectant sprays effectively.
  • When someone in the house is sick isolate their clothing and other utensils and disinfect them.
  • Encourage intake of vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables (local sour fruits are easy to pick)
  • In case of flu,
    • Consult doctor a immediately
    • Don’t let the fever rise by sponging body with wet towel
    • Give healthy and high calorie foods
  • Show your kids the proper way to clean their nose and the use of tissue or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing.

Stay Healthy!!

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