Resolve immediately


First of all, I want to say that it is a very unfortunate situation for all of us. No one wants such kind of political situation in our country. Ordinary people are afraid to go out for their jobs. They cannot live a normal life. Everyone is living in danger.

Middle of this situation, students and examinees are mostly hampered. The A’ Level and O’ Level exams are postponed. Though it is decided that they will be out of the strike but no one can be assured. SSC exams are to be started next month. They are in lots of tension.

We want that this situation will be resolved immediately because we deserve a better situation. This disturbing period is not expected for any of us. Because of these running political affairs, students are being affected, but they never should be. Students are the future of our country.

They learn from our leaders. Leaders set an example for the young generation. But what are they learning? The politicians are hampering their education. If such condition continues, they will get frustrated.

As a guardian, I am very much afraid to send my children to school. I become anxious when they go out. I suggest them when they should or should not go out.

I have become a prisoner in my own house, at my own city. We want that our political parties will improve the situation. But I do not see any light or any hope. All the political parties and government are possessing the revenge kind of mentality. They are being very egoistic.

But there has to be a better situation. I want that all the political parties will sit down for a comprehensive dialogue. They must be very tolerant for the sake of people.

They should really make an effort for us. So I want to bring the parties together. I wish them success and hopefully the problems will be resolved as soon as possible.

Shafin Ahmed
Media Personality

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