The Big Bang


Humans have been speculating about the creation of the world for a long time. Some have given theories about how it might've came to be and some have adopted imagination.

In ancient times, people used to think that the earth was flat or like a disk. For centuries, people haven’t ventured far in fear of falling from the edge. In 1597, Francis Drake proved that the earth was round by exploring around the world by sea.

People used to think that earth was flat and it was balanced upon the shell of many colossus tortoises.

But it was merely an imagination. Science has shown us the truth. Scientist Stephen Hawking's "Big Bang" theory has given clear explanations about the creation of world. His famous book “A Brief History of Time” describes this theory.

This theory can be summarised as,

1) Before creation, the entire universe was a single entity. This means all the energy, matter and time of universe was condensed into one small point.

2) The universe was created through the violent explosion of that point.

3) Big bang made the universe expand and made it suitable for life to flourish.

4) The entire universe was concentrated in one single Super atom. 15 billion years ago this super atom exploded and started expanding. Clusters of matter and energy was spreading in every direction. These clusters gave birth to galaxies, stars and planets. The universe is still expanding and everything is moving away from each other.

Let’s do a quick experiment to understand this condition. Take a black balloon and draw some little white circles on it. Blow the balloon. Now as you blow in the balloon, you will see that the white circles are moving away from each other as the balloon inflates. This is the same phenomenon that is happening in our universe.

So, if stars and galaxies are moving away from each other, this means the universe must have been concentrated in a single point in the past.

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