The Resilience of Nature!


This is a Comprehension Activity for students of class 4 – 6

Direction: Read the passage thoroughly, download the questions given below and solve it.

Nature is very resilient. While some human activities destroy nature, for the most part, it is able to bounce back pretty quickly when something bad happens. Leaves come down in the fall and reappear in the spring. The flowers dry out, but come back with a little bit of water. Nature has a way of coming back to life.

After a forest fire, a forest seems like it will never be the same again. It is nearly barren with charred trees and ashes barely filling the area that used to be covered with leaves and other plants. Soon, however, you start to see little saplings rise up from the ground. While it will take those years to reach the height of the trees that died in the fire, they will regrow. Flowers and other plants also slowly start to reappear. Then animals start to return. Once again, the forest comes back to life.

A bad storm rips through the forest and causes some destruction to the large trees. Instead of standing 50 feet tall, they are now bent and broken. However, many of the trees refuse to die. Their roots strength and they start to grow. Branches sprout from tree trunks lying on the ground. Moss grows on portions of the trees to provide food. Hollowed out logs provide shelter for animals. Even though the trees were brought down, they bounce back in a new way.

Bulldozers take down a forest to make way for a new shopping mall. They cover the ground in concrete. After a year or two, the concrete starts to wear and crack in places. In a few of those cracks, glimpses of the forest that was covered up reappear. A flower sprouts in the crack in the sidewalk. Another one sprouts in the middle of the road. Some weeds surround the gutters and quickly multiply. Nature lets the concrete know it cannot be paved over.

Nature is very resilient. No matter what natural disasters and human events try to bring it down, it is always going to try to bounce back.

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