Do you know what is meant by BODMAS ?

B = Bracket

O = Or

D = Division

M = Multiplication

A = Addition

S = Subtraction


  • 16 \div (2 \times 4) + 12 \times 2 - 5 -20

  This above problem can be solved by using BODMAS. To solve this problem, at first we have to do the bracket work. Subsequently, we have to do the work of Or, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Substraction. 

Let's solve the above problem.


16 \div (2 \times 4) + 12 \times 2 - 5 -20

16 \div 8 + 12 \times 2 - 5 -20 

2 + 12 \times 2 - 5 -20

2 + 24 - 5 -20

26 - 5 -20

26 - 25


If you undersatnd the above problem then try to solve the following problem smiley

153\div 3 + 15 \times 4 - 50






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