Winter in Bangladesh


The winter is one of the most important seasons of our country. During this season the days are shorter than the nights. Winter in Bangladesh is cool and dry. According to the Bangla calendar it spreads over the months of Paush and Magh (mid December to mid February). January is the coldest of all. Cold winds blow from the north. During this month, the atmosphere remains dry and hazy due to fog. The dead and gloomy weather usually causes people to be late for their work. Poor people suffer the most as they cannot afford good warm clothes.

Apart from the bone aching cold weather and blurry scenario everywhere, this season brings with it plenty of vegetables, fishes, and milk. Mothers and sisters in our families make assorted pitas (rice-cakes) regularly during this season. Bangladeshis love to drink date-syrup and molten molasses with pithas in the morning. It is known as the season of fun and  festivity in Bangladesh. People here love to travel to different places in the country, and eat  delicious food throughout the winter season.

Information Collected from: Chapter-4: Climate of Bangladesh, “Junior World Geography and Bangladesh” book, by Professor Mesbah – us – Saleheen

Prepared By: Nigma Subhani

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