How To Talk To Parents | Part 1


Arguments and quarrels are a part of every household. But, when these arguments escalate to severe levels, we should take the hint that we are not doing things right. And that, we should handle things differently. Most of these bickering takes place between parents and their teenage kids, who are learning to grow up and thus, are bound to make mistakes. When these aloof kids are confronted, one thing leads to another and inevitably, a slight argument starts between the parents and the kid.

Unfortunately, this greatly hampers the relationship between parents and their children, which causes them to drift apart. This rift between them creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and thus, the child finds himself pulling away from his parents. However, with a little effort on both their parts, parents and children can work out a middle ground where they both will be getting what they want and the beauty of their bond will remain intact and not get scarred due to the difficulty of the situation.

Have a chat with your parents:

Children should always remember that the best solution to every problem is not to avoid or neglect it but to fight it as valiantly as they can. And, if in doing so, they need the help of their parents, they should definitely sit down and have a hearty chat with their parents. The most effective way of getting your way is to act sensibly and have a mature conversation with your parents because, in the end, that does you more good than whining or nagging does.

Parents are always there to help us out:

Whenever faced with a difficult situation, children should always seek out the help of their parents and talk to their parents about their ordeal. They should be patient and always take care not to lose their temper with their parents. It might not always be easy to talk to their parents about a particular difficult situation, but if done the right way, the children will always find that their parents are more than willing to cooperate.

Ask if it is a good time to have a conversation or not:

The best way to strike up a conversation is by first checking whether it is a good time to bring up the topic or not. That is, children should always notice whether their parents are busy or stressed. If parents already are having a difficult day, then it might not be the best of days to bombard them with yet more problems.

Let parents know what you want. Advice? Help? Or just sharing?

Another very important thing is that children should always be clear about what they want. That is whether they want advice from their parents, need help or are just sharing their problems to lighten their hearts. The children should always, at the beginning of the conversation, let their parents know what is required of them. That makes the situation a whole lot easier.

Whining never helps anybody! Ask why?

If seeking for permission to do something, the children should gently talk to their parents, but not whine if they get a no for an answer. Children should never forget that their parents want nothing but the best for them. You can always ask them to explain why they are saying no.

It’s never too late to be friends with your parents:

If children find it difficult to talk to their parents about personal stuff, they should first start by talking about the most casual things like how their day went or just sharing some juicy bit of gossip could be really fun! If the children find that they were never close enough with their parents to have an enjoyable chat with them, then they should remember that it is never too late to start. Starting off simple and then slowly improving the quality of the conversation could work wonders.

As for the parents, they should always remember that children are like flowers, without proper care and affection, it would not take long for the flower to wither. Parents should always try to respect and understand the point of view of their children and try their best to make the children feel comfortable when they are bringing up an especially difficult topic. With little effort and understanding, both parents and children will understand that they can find great friends with each other. This not only makes their bond stronger, but it also makes life a lot better and more enjoyable.

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