New Year Celebration around the World


Guess what ensues right after the celebration of Christmas! You got that right – it’s the New Year celebration. Many around the world wait for this day because they await the advent of a new year which denotes a fresh, new beginning and fresh, new plotting of schemes in an attempt to leave behind your legacy in the world.

In countless places, people stay up late after midnight to bid the old year out and the new year in. Almost everywhere, in the world church bells ring, horns toot, whistles blow, sirens shriek.

Below are descriptions of how some of the cities around the world celebrate:



London's Trafalgar Square always teems with joyous groups of British men, women and sometimes even children, eagerly awaiting the advent of the New Year.









New York City:

New York City's Times Square also swarms with crowds of happy, noisy people. As the Big Apple in the world, New York celebrations are bound to be more festive and mainstream. The hullabaloo thus never fails to accurately express people's high spirits at that holiday time.









Although not as enthusiastic about the celebration of the New Year as many other cities, Dhaka too harbours some people who commemorate the New Year with a blast. Small fireworks and loud screams are pretty common at midnight of the New Year.

As 2014 wraps up and 2015 enters our lives, let’s hold our breaths in anticipation and brace ourselves to go full out and embrace the New Year with open arms. So this is wishing Happy New Year to everyone!


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