Stress?? Pfft!!


“Oh my god! I have so much homework and such little time.” Have you ever panicked this way? Stress about our homework, assignments or family make us go nutty from time to time. Everyone has stress about some issue or other. Students are stressed when they get low grade or when they have lots of assignments, parents get stressed when their children do not study or demand things which they cannot afford and many other reasons. Being stressed is a big obstacle to success. You need to learn how to handle stress.

Stress can lead to physical and psychological diseases in one’s body. So, here are some tips that you can use to reduce stress and relax.

1. Hang out with jolly friends:

It is important what kind of friends you have. If you always stay with a friend who is pessimistic about life, you would likely to become depressed like them. Therefore, be with a friend who makes you happy. Crack jokes and do silly things. Share your feelings with your friends who will help you to cheer up. It will help you to reduce your stress.

2. Make a change in your daily routine:

If you are a person who sticks to your daily routine and don’t experience new things, you need to make some changes in your life. Try to have some new activities to change your mood. You never know, you might end up liking it. A small change also can help you to reduce your stress. If you are a person who works in an office ten to five ‘o’ clock, then take leave for one day, and do something new. You can go shopping or biking or spend time with your family. This will help you to make your life less stressful.

3. Do not over think:

If you have an assignment to complete, do not over think about it. don’t keep thinking, “I have an assignment due.” Don’t choose to think about the assignment more and work less. Most of the time, people fail to think about the process of carrying out the assignment. People do not think about how they are going to complete their project or assignment, rather they watch television, and think that they have an assignment due the next day.

Use your time effectively to think and research or write about your actual assignment, instead of screaming, “Why do I have my work pending?” Over thinking, automatically, leads you to stress yourself. Therefore, stop stressing and breakdown your tasks to complete the assignment and complete them one by one. You will see within no time your assignment is complete.

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